
Monday, December 29, 2014

Prayers to St. Expedite

There are numerous prayers for St. Expedite; one only need to do a Google search to discover them. However, there is something to be said about saying a heartfelt prayer as opposed to a structured prayer written by someone else.

Here is a quick prayer you can easily memorize and say to the Minute Saint, as he is referred to by an informant in the Hyatt texts, when all you have is a minute to ask for his intercession and need some quick St. Expedite lucky mojo:

Glorious St. Expedite,
I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity and grant me the grace of (state your petition). Answer me, and I will spread the glory of your name. Amen.

The above prayer can be said at any time without any sort of accoutrement. However, if you snap your fingers before saying the prayer you will be sure to get his attention. 

Here is another prayer that can be said for getting a job:

Glorious St. Expedite, I call upon your power, speed and ability to come to my assistance and help me to gain employment. Quickly, bring to me (state your need). Grant me my petition with haste, and I will spread the glory of your good name. Amen.

With the above prayer, burn a dual action red/green candle anointed with St. Expedite Fast Luck Oil.

For a Nine Hour Novena to St. Expedite, please visit the Crossroads University blog. It is a long devotion that takes a serious time commitment out of your day, but if you need serious help in a serious hurry, then make like St. Expedite and do the Nine Hour Novena to St. Expedite.

And of course, you will find many more prayers to St Expedite in the book, The Conjurer's Guide to St. Expedite.

St. Expedite Fast Luck Oil is a beautiful red oil infused with luck drawing ingredients that will amplify your petitions three fold. Simply anoint your candles, petition papers, mojos, roots and anything you wish to enhance with the Power of the Minute Saint himself. This oil is handcrafted and consecrated to St. Expedite with the appropriate prayers and ritual intent.

$9.95 for one 4 dram bottle


  1. Has anyone ever known St Expedite to not work with someone? I have been petitioning him for 2 weeks trying to get an old debt repaid to me with no sign of results. I thought I was making some progress, I saw his image come to me during meditation, very excited and yelling "its coming, its coming". I asked him if he was talking about the money and he said yes. But still I have nothing. I'm just thinking, considering everything I have read, that 2 weeks is a VERY long time for him so maybe its never going to happen.
    Before anyone asks, yes it is a legitimate debt, and secondly I know she has the money to repay me.

    1. I am new to St Expedite and I know you have to be VERY specific. I have set up my altar in the Triumverate position. And I thought I felt things moving and was getting some good luck. However, I DID ask for a rather large amount and perhaps I should have asked for something a bit smaller.. . I have given him like 3 weeks with a specific deadline (you have to be VERY specific ). Since I have asked for such a large amount, I was instructed to give 1/2 of offerings up front and promise the other half upon reciept. (And to establish a relationship with him) I originally offered him red wine and coins... but I live with someone who can't stand the smell of wine and disturbed my altar .. *placing tin foil over the glass.. ugh and then he complained about my unscented 7 day red candle "smelling" so I had to extinquish that as well. I was so overwrought about that (and he is spiritual so he should understand more) that I felt that maybe St Expedite was offended and the link was broken.. However, I did learn yesterday that Mercury had been in Retrograde starting the day BEFORE I started working with in and St Expedite is associated with MERCURY so that may have caused some issues with the working.... As far as what i felt i did see moving.. I got some interstesing news about some items I got for sale, I won 20 dollars on a scratch off and an item I had up on FB marketplace finally sold but only for $10.. so the amounts were not what I needed.. I am grateful.. so I feel in limbo at the moment. I am giving him until Oct 31st for the full amount I requested. .and then try again after Mercury goes direct .... sigh

  2. I have had the same issue. Peititioned for 9 days NO results at all I was very specific and it is not a request for anything out of the realm of reality (bill payements)..I have begun another novena for 9 hours as well as my 9 day one. I asked my guides because I felt hurt and took it rather personal and in my prayer learned there were 2 very big blocks so on top of doing the novenas I am doing 2 unblocking workings. I literally can feel the energy moving sluggishly and have been made very aware of the blocks. So you may have blocks, don't give up in any event its not you. :) Blessings for it to work.

    1. Hi Chris,

      I just want to know, what is the prayer to say to remove blocks from your life..

  3. I have heard that St. Expedite sometimes won't work with certain people...for whatever reason...
    I have petitioned St. Jude and Padre Pio and numerous other saints in the past with no results at much so that I don't normally bother with saints anymore...
    But I will try with St. Expedite and see what happens...
    Keep at it...some miracles take longer than others...

  4. Happy Feast Day, Saint Expedite. Today, I honor and ​glorify ​your name​ for you are the glorious martyr who answers prayers with haste​.​ I am truly blessed ​to have received your assistance in the past and give thanks for the help you will provide me in the future. ​​Today is your day, and I praise your name- your delivery is true and ​your promise complete.

  5. St. Expedite. I thank you for all that you have done for me and I humbly ask for your forgiveness if the offering that I provided was not timely or sufficient enough. You are a mighty saint capable of great saints and I honor and revere your strength and abilities. Amen.

  6. I heard of St Expeditus for the 1st time yesterday. I was desperate to find the money to pay rent which is due in 3 days.Before calling someone to borrow money, I prayed to St Expeditus first and asked specifically the amount that I needed to borrow.I put all my faith in him. Guess what? Right on the spot, my petition was granted without any difficulty. Someone lend me the exact amount that I asked for, without hesitation. Thank you, St Expeditus !!!

  7. I heard of St Expeditus for the 1st time yesterday. I was desperate to find the money to pay rent which is due in 3 days.Before calling someone to borrow money, I prayed to St Expeditus first and asked specifically the amount that I needed to borrow.I put all my faith in him. Guess what? Right on the spot, my petition was granted without any difficulty. Someone lend me the exact amount that I asked for, without hesitation. Thank you, St Expeditus !!!

  8. Thanks so much St.Expedite, you have kept me safe on my horses and kept my family safe. Thanks for the new job just in time.

  9. I petitioned St Expedite along with many other saints last Summer my prayer was answered but only lasted for 2 months. The nite before last I decided to petition St Expedite again & yesterday morning to my surprise my petition was partially answered with hope for the future. I continue to petition St Expedite that he will completely fulfill my request. I feel certain after yesterday, we are only at the beginning & I will see a full response to my plea. THANK YOU ST EXPEDITE!!!

  10. Saint Expedite has helped me more than once. Terrible financial trouble and I prayed long time months...One day my I was at the doctor's office and My husband called he found $40,000 in a wallet, we deal in digital currency bitcoin and you store your coins in wallets...we were in tears. The next day google sent us $380. lawsuit they lost for over charging google adwords. These are just a few things Saint Expedite has answered for our family. Finally a Christmas we can enjoy :) Thanks to Saint Expedite :) God is wonderful for sending him to us. Must have faith and never doubt him or lose faith...It's all about trust and faith as you have in our lourd

  11. Thank you St. Espidee for righting the wrong and illness in family quickly.

  12. Dear St Expediate
    Thank you for your help. Thank you.

  13. St Expidite I thank you in advance for your favor. I have great faith in you and I wear red to honor you today. I will burn a red candle at your altar & give you tobacco & flowers. Ashe Ashe Amen!

  14. St. Expedite is a GREAT saint. He has helped me on numerous occasions, including very serious matters such as decreasing severe cancer related pain to almost undetectable levels. He can be utilized for chronic conditions not just acute ones.

    Some people just want to use him and not give anything in return, that is not fair. He asks for such a pittance in return.

    I love St. Expedite. May his name spread to the farthest reaches of the universe.

  15. Holy n magnificent Saint Expedite has helped me get a job in the past. I ask he help me get this job I really want now in Hollywood CA.

  16. most holy and most gracious saints expedite, thank you for your great help for getting my document back.thank you.

  17. thank you St.expedite for your grace and granting me my request. thank you again.

  18. Thank you St. Expedite for requests granted. Thank you for listening to my prayers. I feel no fear with you beside me and I testify before the world the miracles you have performed. I will give flowers and pound cake as promised, thank you!

  19. can i asked here or anybody here answer me first i knew st expedite in you tube and i try to pray him to help me to pay my electrecity and he answered after that i paid him i give him chocolate and cup cake . then i tried to write a petition im specifec to my petition first i pryed him 7 days next i prayed 9 days and then wednesday 9hours petition and i continue to pray again a 9 days all in all its almost a month but still im waiting to grant my petion plse can you tell me what exact time i oray to him is it 6 am 3 pm 3am plse answer me

  20. Thank You St Expedite I publicly acknowledge you for helping to bring back in one day, that which was taken from me. How Great is your name! All Glory & Praise to You & Our Heavenly Father.


Feel free to leave your public declarations of gratitude for St. Expedite, but leave your spam in the can.